Home Alone


Inevitably, you will have to leave puppy at home for an hour or two. Being left on his own will also help your puppy becoming more confident and independent.


It's thus important to practice with him being on his own from an early stage.


This is best started whilst you are at home.


If puppy is already Crate Trained then leave him in his crate for an hour or so whilst you are busy in a different room. Leave chew toys, a familiar bed or similar in the crate with him.

Check on him at irregular intervals and reward him if he is being quiet.


Leaving a radio or TV playing may help settle him - the sound will be reassuring if associated with you being around.

When you intend to leave the house for a spell, start by putting his favourite chew toy stuffed with a tasty food treat in the crate with puppy outside. As soon as he starts 'begging' to go into his crate, let him in, gently shut the crate door, turn on the radio or TV and leave quietly.


Important here is to avoid turning your leaving into a 'big event'. The same applies when you come home - no need to throw a big welcome party, you’ve only been around the corner!


If you are not using a crate, leaving puppy in a safe area secured by a baby gate can also work well. 

For further advice on leaving your puppy on his own do please come and see us. Unfortunately, many puppies go on to develop various degrees of 'separation anxiety' as they get older and this is much easier to prevent by getting puppy used to being comfortably Home Alone from an early age.  


If you feel your puppy is starting to show signs of separation anxiety (e.g. barking, whining, howling or excessive destructive chewing when Home Alone) do seek advice as quickly as possible.  See 'behavioural advice'.